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Need To Stop Or Avoid Foreclosure?

Homesmith Helps Ohio Homeowners With Their
Distressed Homes And Properties.

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Options To Stop or Avoid Foreclosure

Are you behind on payments and avoiding foreclosure at the moment?  Do you want to learn how to stop foreclosure now? We’ve created free online guides to help homeowners just like you find out your options on getting out of the sticky situation you’re in right now.

You aren’t the first person to go through a foreclosure… and won’t be the last.  So don’t feel ashamed. It happens.

The best thing you can do right now is educate yourself on your options.

Homesmith can assist you if you are facing foreclosure on your Ohio property and not sure how to navigate the process. We offer a free consultation to review your options to avoid a challenging financial situation and ultimately stop or avoid foreclosure if possible. This could involve working with your lender to avoid a foreclosure, or chosing to sell your home if you determine that’s your best option.

For some people selling their home is the preferred option (we’ll make a fair all cash offer on your house today, just let us know about your situation here <<), sometimes we’re able to help homeowners STOP FORECLOSURE completely, and sometimes there are other options.  

So, click one of the buttons above or below to get your FREE GUIDE to Stop Or Avoid Foreclosure.

“List My House For Sale”

  • Have 4-6 months? Listing may put more in your pocket
  • Save your credit from the wreckage of a foreclosure
  • See if your situation qualifies
Learn If Listing My House Is The Best Fit →

“Get A Fair Cash Offer Today”

  • Let us know about your situation and your house
  • We’ll evaluate it quickly (usually within 48 hours)
  • You’ll receive a fair win-win all cash offer
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5 Ways To Stop or Avoid Foreclosure In Today’s Market


Free Guide: 5 Ways To Stop or Avoid Foreclosure In Today's Market

Need more information on the foreclosure process and how to stop or avoid foreclosure?

FREE GUIDE: 5 Ways To STOP or Avoid Foreclosure in Today’s Market

Or, you can always feel free to contact us anytime if you have questions, want a no hassle Situation Evaluation, or want to just learn more about how we can help homeowners avoid foreclosure or sell unwanted properties for cash.

Just call (614) 401-3651 or toll free (877) HOMESMITH (466-3764)!

FAQs On Ohio Foreclosure Process

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are a quick collection of frequently asked questions people ask us on the foreclosure process in Ohio quick… along with our answers. While the information on this page is about legal issues it is for informational purposes only. It is NOT intended as legal advice or as a substitute for the particularized advice of your own legal counsel. If you have a questions, don’t hesitate to contact us (or give us a call) and we’ll be happy to answer it for you.

What type of State is Ohio in regard to foreclosure laws?

Foreclosure Notice
Time Is Of The Essense To Stop Or Avoid Foreclosure
  • In Ohio, foreclosures are typically judicial, meaning they go through the court system. The lender must file a foreclosure complaint and obtain a judgment from the court before proceeding with the sale of the property. Ohio also has a statutory right of redemption, which allows the homeowner to buy back the property within a certain period of time after the sale.
  • There also may be other state-specific laws and regulations that could impact foreclosure proceedings, such as homeowner protection laws or programs. It’s important to consult with a qualified attorney or housing counselor who is familiar with the laws and procedures in your specific state to understand your rights and options when facing foreclosure.

What are the first things a Ohio homeowner should do when warned by a lender they are facing foreclosure?

  • Contact the lender: The homeowner should reach out to their lender to discuss their situation and explore possible solutions, such as loan modification, repayment plans, or forbearance.
  • Seek housing counseling: The homeowner can contact a HUD-approved housing counseling agency to get free advice and assistance in dealing with the foreclosure process.
  • Review documents: The homeowner should carefully review all foreclosure notices, correspondence, and legal documents related to their mortgage and foreclosure to ensure that the lender is acting lawfully and to understand their options.
  • Consider legal representation: It may be helpful for the homeowner to consult with a foreclosure defense attorney to learn about their legal rights and options for challenging the foreclosure, negotiating with the lender, or filing for bankruptcy.
  • Gather financial documentation: The homeowner should gather their financial documents, such as pay stubs, tax returns, and bank statements, to demonstrate their financial situation and support any requests for loan modification or other forms of relief.
  • Consider selling the property: If the homeowner is unable to keep up with their mortgage payments and cannot negotiate a viable solution with the lender, they may want to consider selling the property to avoid foreclosure and minimize their financial losses.

What damage could a foreclosure do to an Ohio homeowner’s credit report?

  • A foreclosure can have a significant negative impact on an Ohio homeowner’s credit report. It can remain on their credit report for up to seven years and can lower their credit score by 100 points or more. This can make it difficult to obtain credit in the future and may result in higher interest rates on loans and credit cards. In addition, having a foreclosure on their credit report can make it more difficult to rent an apartment or obtain insurance. It is important for Ohio homeowners to take action as soon as possible if they are facing foreclosure in order to mitigate the damage to their credit report.

What federal laws supersede Ohio laws regarding a foreclosure?

  • Federal laws that supersede Ohio laws regarding foreclosure include the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), which provides certain protections to active-duty service members, and the Homeowner Protection Act (HPA), which requires lenders to provide borrowers with certain disclosures related to mortgage insurance. Additionally, federal bankruptcy laws may impact the foreclosure process by allowing borrowers to potentially delay or prevent a foreclosure through a bankruptcy filing.

If you are facing the possibility of foreclosure in Ohio, what steps can you take to stop or avoid the process?

  • Contact your lender: The first thing you should do is contact your lender and explain your situation. Be honest and provide any necessary documentation to support your case. You may be able to negotiate a loan modification, forbearance, or repayment plan.
  • Seek assistance from HUD-approved housing counseling agencies: These agencies can provide you with free counseling and assistance with negotiating with your lender. You can find a list of approved agencies on the HUD website.
  • Consider a short sale: A short sale is when you sell your home for less than what you owe on the mortgage. Your lender may be willing to accept a short sale to avoid the cost of foreclosure.
  • File for bankruptcy: Filing for bankruptcy can put an immediate stop to foreclosure proceedings. However, this is a serious step that should only be taken after careful consideration and with the help of a qualified attorney.
  • Sell your home: If you are unable to negotiate a loan modification or other solution with your lender, selling your home may be your best option. You can use the proceeds from the sale to pay off your mortgage and avoid foreclosure. For a free no-obigation all-cash offer, please consider contacting Homesmith at (614) 401-3651 or this link.
  • Time is of the essence: Remember that time is of the essence when facing foreclosure. The sooner you take action, the more options you will have available to you.

When facing foreclosure, can you explain how filing for bankruptcy could stop or delay the foreclosure?

  • Filing for bankruptcy can potentially stop or delay foreclosure proceedings, depending on the type of bankruptcy you file and your specific situation. Here are some ways that bankruptcy can help:
  • Automatic stay: When you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay goes into effect immediately. This means that creditors, including your mortgage lender, must stop all collection efforts, including foreclosure proceedings. The automatic stay can provide a temporary reprieve from foreclosure and give you time to catch up on missed payments or explore other options.
  • Chapter 13 bankruptcy: If you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you may be able to keep your home and catch up on missed mortgage payments over a three to five-year repayment plan. This can provide a more sustainable solution than trying to catch up on missed payments all at once.
  • Chapter 7 bankruptcy: While Chapter 7 bankruptcy does not provide a repayment plan, it can temporarily delay foreclosure proceedings and provide you with more time to find a solution.
  • Note: It’s important to note that filing for bankruptcy is not a guaranteed solution and may not be the best option for everyone facing foreclosure. It can also have long-lasting impacts on your credit and financial situation. It’s important to consult with a qualified bankruptcy attorney and explore all of your options before deciding to file for bankruptcy.

What legal costs can a homeowner expect if fighting a lender from a foreclosure in Ohio?

  • The legal costs that a homeowner can expect to face when fighting a lender from foreclosure in Ohio can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case.
  • Generally, the legal costs for foreclosure defense in Ohio may include attorney fees, court filing fees, and other related expenses. The attorney fees may vary depending on the attorney’s experience, hourly rate, and the complexity of the case. Some attorneys may offer a flat fee for foreclosure defense services, while others may charge hourly.
  • According to LegalMatch, the average cost of a foreclosure defense attorney in Ohio can range from $200 to $400 per hour. Additionally, homeowners may need to pay for other expenses such as court filing fees, document preparation fees, and other legal costs.
  • However, homeowners may be able to obtain free or low-cost legal assistance through local legal aid organizations or pro bono programs. For example, in Ohio, the Legal Aid Society of Columbus provides free legal assistance to eligible low-income homeowners facing foreclosure.
  • It’s important for homeowners facing foreclosure to consult with a qualified attorney to understand their legal options and the potential costs involved.

Homesmith Can Help You Stop Or Avoid Foreclosure

If you are facing foreclosure on your Ohio house and not sure of your next step, Homesmith can help. We offer a free consultation to review your options to stop or avoid foreclosure. We will walk you through all of your options to avoiding a difficult financial situation. This could include working with the bank to avoid foreclosure altogether, or selling your house if you decide that’s the right option for you. Just fill out the form below to get started.

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Ohio homeowners are reminded that time is of the essense when confronted with a possible foreclosure. Get started now so your property doesn’t end up in a Sheriff’s Sale at the Foreclosure Auction Location in your county. The sooner action is taken, the more options will be available.

Foreclosure Resources For Ohio Homeowners

There are several resources available to homeowners in Ohio who are facing foreclosure and looking to avoid or stop it. Here are some useful resources:

Save the Dream Ohio Program: In April 2022, the Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA) launched the Save the Dream Ohio program to help Ohio homeowners who have been financially impacted by a loss of income or increase in expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic. OHFA encourages interested Ohio homeowners to visit or call (888) 404-4674 to learn more about the program as grant awards are subject to funding availability. The program will continue until all funding is depleted or September 30, 2025, whichever comes first.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Foreclosure laws vary by state. HUD provides resources and information to homeowners facing foreclosure, including counseling services and information on federal foreclosure prevention programs. The resources at the links below below can provide information on foreclosure laws in Ohio. All states have HUD-approved housing counseling agencies which can help you determine options which may meet your needs and also assist you in interacting with your lender.

Ohio Attorney General – Foreclosure Frequently Asked Questions: Foreclosure is the legal process a lender uses to take back a piece of property. The following link contains answers to frequently asked questions about Foreclosure in Ohio from the office of Ohio Attorney General.

Ohio Housing Finance Agency (OHFA): OHFA provides a range of resources and programs to assist homeowners who are struggling to make mortgage payments and facing foreclosure. These include foreclosure prevention counseling, loan modification assistance, and foreclosure prevention grants. Visit the OHFA website at for more information.

Ohio Access to Justice Foundation: The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation, previously known as the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation (OLAF), is a nonprofit organization that provides funding to legal aid organizations in Ohio. These organizations offer free legal assistance to eligible low-income homeowners facing foreclosure. The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation distributes filing fee revenue and interest earned on lawyer trust account (IOLTA) to the legal aid programs in Ohio. Through this, it is the largest funder of civil legal aid in Ohio. Visit their website at for more information.

The Ohio State Bar Association: The Ohio State Bar Association provides resources to homeowners who are facing foreclosure, including a list of foreclosure defense attorneys, information on foreclosure laws in Ohio, and links to other resources. Visit the OSBA website at for more information.

These resources can be a good starting point for homeowners in Ohio who are facing foreclosure and looking to avoid or stop it. It’s important to seek the advice of a qualified attorney to understand your legal options and the potential costs involved.