Madison County Courthouse Foreclosure Auction Location London OH
Madison County Courthouse Foreclosure Auction Location London OH

The Madison County (OH) Courthouse is the foreclosure auction (Sheriff Sales) location for Madison County in London, Ohio. The address of the building is: 1 North Main Street, London, OH 43140
Sheriff Sales of Real Estate
- Sheriff Sales of Real Estate within Madison County, Ohio are held on Fridays at the front door of Madison County Courthouse in London, Ohio.
- All properties involved in Sheriff Sales of Real Estate will be published in The Madison Messenger every Sunday. A link to the newspaper is here:
- All Sheriff Sale auctions start at 10:00 a.m., unless otherwise noted.
- Sheriff Sales are not held on Federal Holidays.
- All Sheriff Sales starting bids will be two-thirds of the appraised value amount (unless otherwise noted).
- A second sale date will be scheduled if the property does not sell on the first Sheriff Sale date, where there will be no minimum bid.
- Cash or certified check (payable to the Madison County Sheriff) are accepted.
- Sheriff Sales are “Buyer Beware” as all properties are sold as is, with no warranty or guarantee of clear title. A title search is recommended.
- The purchaser shall be responsible for all costs, allowances and taxes that the proceeds of the sale are insufficient to cover.
- Full details can be found at:
See map below for directions to the entrance of the Madison County Courthouse Foreclosure Auction Location London OH.
Wholesale Property List
The majority of the properties Homesmith buys are either remodeled and sold in the MLS, sold “as is” in the MLS, or kept as rental properties. From time to time Homesmith wholesales properties in “as is” condition at discount prices.
To get on our London, Columbus and Central Ohio wholesale buyers list, simply fill out the form below.