Union County Foreclosure Auction Location Marysville OH
Union County Foreclosure Auction Location is Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Marysville OH

The Union County foreclosure auction (Sheriff Sales) location is Veterans Memorial Auditorium in Marysville, Ohio. The address of the building is: 233 W. 6th St., Marysville, OH 43040.
Sheriff Sales of Real Estate
- Sheriff Sales of Real Estate within Union County, Ohio are held at the Veterans Memorial Auditorium, unless otherwise noted in the Marysville Journal Tribune.
- Sheriff Sales of Real Estate will be listed in the Marysville Journal Tribune in the Legal Notices section. These advertisements run for three consecutive weeks prior to Sheriff’s Sale, in the Saturday edition. Ads can be viewed online at https://www.marysvillejt.com.
- All sales start at 9:00 a.m., unless otherwise noted.
- Sheriff Sales are not held on Federal Holidays.
- The successful bidder MUST have a completed purchaser information form, which can be found at the following link: https://evogov.s3.amazonaws.com/media/52/media/50421.pdf
- The starting bid will be two-thirds of the appraised amount, unless otherwise noted. The appraisal may only include an exterior viewing.
- The successful bidder will be required to pay a deposit at the end of the bidding of each individual sale.
- The successful bidder must have personal check, certified check, money order, cashiers check or cash at the time the bid is accepted.
- The remainder of the accepted bid is due within 30 days upon confirmation of sale.
- A copy of the legal description can be obtained by request via email or in person or can be viewed at the Clerk of Court’s website.
- Full details can be found at: https://www.unioncountyohio.gov/sheriff-sales
Additional Information
- Email Union County Sheriff’s Office (Randy Barker): rbarker@co.union.oh.us
- Union County Auditor’s Office
- Union County Clerk of Courts Office
See map below for directions to the entrance of the Veterans Memorial Auditorium Union County Foreclosure Auction Location Marysville OH.
Wholesale Property List
The majority of the properties Homesmith buys are either remodeled and sold in the MLS, sold “as is” in the MLS, or kept as rental properties. From time to time Homesmith buys houses in Marysville and wholesales its properties in “as is” condition at discount prices.
To get on our Marysville, Columbus and Central Ohio wholesale buyers list, simply fill out the form below or give us a call at (614) 401-3651 or (877) HOMESMITH.